Subcategories of Zoology

Zoology is the study of the biology of animals. It contains a various types of subcategories...

Entomology - insects
Ethology - behaviour
Herpetology - reptiles and amphibians
Ichthyology - fish
Primatology - primates
Mammalogy - mammals
Ornithology - birds
Paleozoology - prehistoric animals
Planktology - plankton
Apiology - bees
Arachnology - arachnids
Conchology - mollusk shells
Malacology - mollusks
Ophiology - snakes
Cetology - cetaceans (whales & dolphins)
Neuroethology - nervous system
Anthrozoology - human interaction
Nematology - roundworms
Paleontology - prehistoric life
Protozoology - protozoa
Archaeozoology - archaeological animal remains
Embryology - development of fertilized eggs
Cytology - cells
Zoogeography - distrubition of animal species
Biochemistry - chemical processes in living things
Parasitology - parasites and their hosts
Pathology - pathogens and their hosts

Zoology glossary ~ Z

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A term that refers to a single individual animal in a colony of invertebrates. Multiple zooids are often attached to each other. A group of zooids may function as a single animal.

A group or collection of various species of plankton.

Unicellular yellow-brown algae that live in the gastrodermis of reef-building corals.

In birds, refers to the arrangement of the toes in which the outer front toe faces back and as a result, two toes point forward and two backward.

An egg that has been fertilized.

Zoology glossary ~ Y

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A horse, either male or female, between one year and two years in age.

Stored food material in an egg.

Zoology glossary ~ X

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Xenophobic Alliance
A union or coalition of individual chimpanzees within a group that challenges any conspecific intruders that threaten or encroach upon their territory and its boundaries.

A term used to describe a habitat or environment that exhibits extremely dry conditions. Also used to describe organisms that are adapted to very dry conditions.

A type of plant that is well-adapted to water shortages and exhibits adaptations that enable it to store or conserve water.

A term used to describe animals that feed primarily or entirely on wood.

Zoology glossary ~ W

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Warning Coloration
"A combination of contrasting colors that warns that an animal is dangerous. Bands of black and yellow are a typical form of warning coloration, found in stinging insects."

"A conservation program identifying species that are declining or have limited ranges but are not yet threatened or endangered. The WatchList is a cooperative project of the National Audubon Society and Partners in Flight."

Water Vascular System
"In echinoderms, a system of fluid-filled tubes and chambers that connects with the tube feet. The fluid in the water vascular system is under pressure, giving the tube feet their shape."

"An unfeathered flap or growth of skin on the face or neck that hangs down below the head; often brightly colored or wrinkled. Found especially on turkeys, jacanas, and some plovers."

"In mammals, the period when the mother gradually ceases to provide milk for her young."

A horse, either male or female, between six months and one year in age.

"A light-colored bar on a wing, formed by pale tips on the covert feathers or pale bases of the flight feathers."

"A rapid movement of the wings of a bird otherwise at rest; seen, for example, in some kinglets and Empidonax flycatchers. Such movements along with pumping of the tail, are sometimes described as 'nervous' habits."

Zoology glossary ~ V

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An individual bird that is observed in a region that lies outside of the range that is currently known for that species.

The flat portion of the feather made up of parallel rows of barbs that are attached to the rachis, or central shaft, of the feather.

Vena Cava
One of the two large veins that return blood to the heart from the systemic circulation of vertebrates.

Ventral Scale
Scale on the underside of a snake's body (usually broader than other scales).

Pertaining to the belly or underparts.

Along the center of the back.

A subphylum of chordates. Members of this subphylum have cartilaginous or bony vertebrae that surround a nerve cord and a skull that protects the brain.

Pertaining to the part of an animal that is in the process of being lost in the course of evolution and is small, imperfectly formed, and serves little or no function.

The internal organs, especially those of the great central body cavity.

Vocal Sac
Soft, baglike structure that inflates and acts as a resonator, amplifying the mating calls of some male frogs and toads.

Zoology glossary ~ U

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"Pertaining to areas away from coastlines and the floodplains of rivers, streams, and other bodies of water."

"Oceanic areas where deep waters rich in nutrients rise to the surface because of the shape of the ocean bottom, the presence of continental land masses, or contact between water currents."

"The habit of releasing feces onto the scaly portions of the leg as a cooling mechanism, using evaporative cooling of the fluids. Found in storks and New World vultures."

Uropygial Gland
"The source of the oil that a preening bird rubs on its feathers to maintain them in good condition; located on the lower back near the rump."

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